4 Cuan Business Strategies Through Reseller Soldiers

warrior strategy reseller is now increasingly being used by brand . With the rapid growth of digital businesses and emerging business opportunities, resellers are an important asset for business people, including MSMEs.

The existence of an army of resellers , if managed properly, can help increase profits many times over. The role resellers is considered capable of boosting product marketing. However, business actors must also really understand how to move resellers , especially if the number is very large.

Before determining the right strategy. There are a few things Risdos should know about the method of using reseller .

According to Dewa Selling's Business Coach, Dewa Eka Prayoga, there are brand that are suitable for selling with resellers .

This type of product requires deeper education. The product can be sold at a high price in the market. Brand with a strong difference compared to other products, but has a limited marketing budget.

sales method reseller there are also advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the reseller , among others, are the lack of a marketing budget , it is enough to just share the profit. Then, the average sales for resellers will be higher. Business owners also get brand awareness without having to promote like crazy, as well as faster product distribution widely.

Meanwhile, for the shortcomings, we must be prepared for various dramas and complaints from resellers . prices End user tend to be high because they have to share profits, and are not flexible in making promotional strategies.

The same thing was also conveyed by the CMO of Ladang Lima, Annisa Pratiwi. Resellers are the key for business owners when they are developing, there are lots of benefits in them.

According to Annisa, resellers are like family in Ladang Lima, like salesmen who promote and offer gluten free healthy food products. There are many benefits that business owners will feel when they succeed in mobilizing reseller .
Business Management Strategy Reseller

Well, for Risdos who have brand characteristics as mentioned by Dewa and also types of products with a wide market. perfect for using resellers as a liaison for potential buyers out there with our products.

Here are strategies that Risdos can apply in managing their business with resellers .
' Needs Resellers

Even so, the most important strategy in doing business with resellers is that we must know the wants and needs of the reseller. Reseller needs from business owners also vary.

First, starting from financial matters, commissions and discounts for resellers , then rewards, to cashback . Second, emotional needs, such as embracing resellers , view the unimportant as important.

For example, greeting resellers and fostering them. Third, spiritual issues that are even deeper, directing resellers to the goals of the business they are running.
2. Give Royality to Resellers

The next strategy, business owners must give royalty to resellers . This is because this royalty will create reseller to business owners.
3. Develop a Plan to Improve Reseller

It is also important for us to develop a curriculum or plan for efforts to improve the ability of resellers sell products. For example, through online and offline , teaching resellers good sales tips, so that resellers are also more enthusiastic about selling.
4. Determine the Special Price Agreed by the Reseller

Meanwhile, regarding the price of products sold by resellers . So as not to cause a trade war between resellers . Prepare the price provisions as a benchmark for resellers sell.

Determine a special price at the retailer agreed by the reseller , so that price will be reseller in selling our products. Don't forget to hold a series of discounts, so there is uniformity in prices and no more fuss about price wars.

soldiers reseller to help your business grow together.

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