Here are Tips for Starting Long-Term Financial Planning

In the midst of future uncertainty, starting a long-term financial plan is very important. This step is actually not difficult, as long as it is done with high intention and discipline.

For some people, preparing a financial plan is not an easy matter. In fact, this step is a form of prevention against all risks – especially financial ones – in the future.

It should be underlined, financial literacy does not only help us in cultivating wealth. More than that, this ability is also useful for fortifying oneself from the complexities of debt bondage.

5 Long Term Financial Planning Tips

According to experts, one of the biggest enemies in starting long-term financial planning is ourselves. Therefore, make up your mind before making this big step.

However, that does not mean we should not start as early as possible. The sooner we realize the importance of a financial plan, the sooner you will get financial freedom.

1. Learn to exercise self-control

Be honest, what percentage of money has been spent on things that are not important? If the amount is much greater than income, then something is wrong with our financial plan.

Self-control is an absolute must. This step allows us to set priorities, as well as resist the temptation to spend money on things that are not necessary.

2. Start Budgeting

You don't have to be an accountant to prepare the right budget. We can start this step by compiling a budget priority scale. Record all basic and absolute expenses.

Then, set aside a little for investment or savings. The amount can vary, ranging from 20-30% of income. Remember, long-term financial planning is very important, you know!

3. Always Prepare an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is a fund that is prepared for sudden needs over the next 3-6 months. Ideally, we should allocate this fund of 5-10% of the total income per month.

Is an emergency fund the same as savings? Could not, could be yes. If your financial condition is good, you can distinguish the two types of funds. If not, set it according to the budget that has been set.

4. Consider a Pension Fund

Even though you are still young, preparing long-term financial planning with a retirement fund is mandatory. Like saving, this step can save us from all risks in the future.

There are many financial instruments that can help us prepare for retirement. Learn these instruments, to facilitate your long-term financial planning. 

5. Take advantage of Health Insurance

Finally, tips to start long-term financial planning that we can do is to register for health insurance. Quite trivial indeed, but often forgotten by many people.

It is undeniable that at this time, access to qualified health services is quite expensive. With health insurance, you don't have to worry about all the risks that occur in the future.

Here are some financial planning tips that you can apply. Find a variety of interesting and certainly useful information, only on the Risdosagalavsjilong blog page.

May be useful!

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