People Are Urged to Use Subsidized Fuel and LPG Wisely


Oil and gas observer Sofyano Zakaria appealed to the public to be wise in using fuel oil (BBM) and subsidized LPG. Basically, only the poor are allowed to use subsidized fuel and LPG, while the rich should not use these products.

"The use of subsidized fuel and LPG must be wise and carried out in a targeted manner. For example, Pertalite should only be used for underprivileged people who use motorbikes and public transportation (yellow plates)," said the Director of the Center for Public Policy Studies (Puskepi), Saturday (18/18/2020). 6/2022).

Likewise with subsidized LPG. It should only be used for the poor and micro-enterprises, such as roadside stalls. Meanwhile, the rich as well as medium and large restaurants should indeed avoid using subsidized LPG.

Sofyano reminded, the availability of subsidized fuel and LPG remains based on quotas. For this reason, if there are wealthy people who use Pertalite and LPG gas melon, for example, it will certainly have an impact on the distribution of the poor. "So, even though the government and Pertamina have guaranteed the availability of subsidized fuel and LPG in the country, it is hoped that people will remain wise in their use," he said.

On the other hand, Sofyano also reminded that the current conditions are actually quite difficult, both for the Government and Pertamina. The reason is, of course, world oil prices which continue to be at a very high level. For today, for example, Brent crude oil was sold at US$ 118.51 per barrel, while WTI was sold at US$ 115.31 per barrel.
For this reason, Sofyano also proposed that the government correct the subsidized fuel and LPG prices. The reason is, since the conversion of kerosene to 3-kilogram LPG, until now the government has not made any price adjustments.

Likewise with Pertalite. Sofyano hopes that the government can make corrections to prices gradually. "Do not increase it all at once, it can be done in stages, for example Rp. 100 per month. Over time, the price will adjust," said Sofyano again.

According to Sofyano, a gradual increase in fuel prices can be done to avoid social turmoil in society. "So don't be afraid that the government is unpopular. Yesterday, when the price of Pertamax went up, it didn't cause any significant turmoil," he concluded. 

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