How are the online classes?

Do you want to know what online classes are like? We tell you everything!

Como son las clases en linea

If you're wondering what online classes are like , don't worry, we'll tell you. For decades we have associated classes with a school with a classroom full of young students willing to learn and a teacher in front next to the blackboard explaining a topic, but technology and the current pandemic Covid -19 have forced us to distinguish between classes . face classes -to-face virtual .

Currently, very few need an answer to what online classes are like , since most of them experience it right now, either as elementary , high school or university students, or as a teacher, virtual classes seem to be here to stay. 

How did it all start?

calls Video or “video calls” have been with us for several years thanks to technology that never ceases to amaze us, but they used to be for specific uses, such as work meetings in companies based in other countries or between family members separated by hundreds of years. kilometers of distance.

Online classes used to be held by open universities, where professors gave their recommendations and tutoring to students, virtual classes were also held in online courses that people took for pleasure. This has not stopped happening, the difference now is that almost the entire world has joined and virtual classes, work meetings, courses and more are held by video calls or video conferences.

What are the online classes like?

There are many methods to conduct virtual classes, some prefer to use Skype, others Zoom and some take the risk of conducting classes by video calls on Whatsapp, but the method is not important, but to deliver the message. Even the classes can be more fun as children and teenagers make comments with memes and drawings that liven up the classes.

Normally, schools have their own web page where students enter the class with their username and password, there the student can see the materials they will need for each subject so they can prepare before starting classes and, once prepared, Enter the class at the agreed time.

At the end of the class, it is time to clarify doubts, make comments and receive feedback from the teacher, it is also time to correct the tasks or complete them, the way in which the online classes are may vary according to the methodology that the teacher decides to apply. 

Some challenges to face in online classes

It is difficult to talk about what online classes are like if you have not experienced it before. For teachers , teaching classes can become a tedious task within the work of teaching. Beyond that, learning student can face some challenges, which although they can be a stone on the road, in the end they end up being great advantages in the future. Some of those challenges are as follows:
  • Everything is internet: The point of receiving online classes is to avoid leaving home and have all the educational material wherever you are, in this case, home, of course, the topics to investigate and some of the study guides you can find In Internet. However, the internet is so vast that you may get distracted on the way to learning. The challenge in this case is to take time for study and time for leisure, without allowing these two to mix.
  • Interpersonal relationships: The nature of online classes also implies having to communicate with your classmates through the media and not in person. The challenge is that your interpersonal relationships will probably cease a bit, so remember to take your time to leave the house, share with your family and friends and leave the screen every few hours.
  • Some distractions: It happens to anyone that, when studying , they are distracted by any object that is nearby, and the truth is that studying online this happens more frequently. The challenge is to find other methods to acquire study material, such as physical books, or, failing that, try to get away from everything that can disrupt your tranquility and concentration in the activities of your university or higher level career. methods Do not forget that there are many non -technological to learn.
Benefits you can get by studying online

Just as you find some challenges when faced with the question, What online classes ? like are Without a doubt, taking classes online will benefit you in these aspects.
  • Get knowledge from the comfort of your home: It is no longer necessary to leave home to learn everything you need to be the professional you want to be. How online classes are facilitates learning, allows students to take advantage of technological resources and learn with different methodologies than those applied in a face-to-face class. Among them, documentaries, making videos on YouTube as delivery to their tasks, didactic material to practice, among others.
  • You save money: It is no secret to anyone that one of the great benefits is saving some money at home going to and from school. For students this is wonderful, being able to take advantage of those bills in other important expenses.
  • Indirectly you help the environment: You wonder what online classes are like ? Well, they are thrifty! First you save money, and second you save fuel. As if that were not enough, by not having to use motorcycles, cars or buses to get around, you are indirectly supporting the health of our planet.
  • Take advantage of all the information on the internet: Indeed, the internet is the one that has all the answers. Any topic you are studying in class you can get it here. Of course, the professors, in addition to teaching you what the online classes are like, will give you some information so that you can do successful research within the search engines.
Differences compared to face-to-face classes

Some things in education have definitely changed. The desk now becomes the desk where the computer has always been, notebooks and pencils are now optional, as students can take notes directly on the computer, or they can continue to use notebooks in the traditional way, something that teachers primary schools recommend for children to continue practicing calligraphy.

Your classmates are in front of you on the computer and not next to you or sitting in the back, no more gossiping in the middle of classes, no exchanging notes behind the teacher, no looking forward to recess, but they can still exchange messages secretly with the phones.

It is no longer necessary to go to the blackboard to carry out exercises, since the presentations are made by the students from their homes and the written works, tasks and any additional material must be delivered to the school on a day agreed between students and teachers , always complying with safety regulations and social distancing.

With all this information we hope that you have understood what online classes are like and if you want to continue learning virtually or you are a teacher who wants to improve, at the Business School specializing in Euroinnova online training we recommend you take our master's course in pedagogy .
ICT specialized courses

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