Here's an Easy Way to Activate and View Profile Views on Tiktok


The very popular Tiktok application that has been downloaded by millions of people is impossible not to notice. Even though you don't have an active account on Tiktok, you must have heard about this application a lot, right?

From advertisements on social media or other applications to on TV, Tiktok is definitely mentioned a lot. How not, now more content creators choose to be active on Tiktok because of its unquestionable users.

The many features that can make money from Tiktok are also interesting things that can lure people to use them. In the Tiktok application, one of them is the profile view feature. With the profile view feature, you or a Tiktok user can find out who opened your Tiktok profile.

Other accounts that visit your Tiktok profile for 30 days will be known through this feature. So, this is important for those of you who want to know who likes your Tiktok profile stalker. As a content creator, of course, you also want to know not how many accounts have visited your profile or liked your video.

However, not all users are aware of this feature even though they have been using Tiktok for a long time. And before seeing who visited your Tiktok profile, you also have to activate this profile viewing feature first.
Easy way to activate and view profile views on Tiktok

1. First activate the profile view feature in your Tiktok application in the following way:
  • Open the Tiktok application available on your HP android or iOS first.
  • Make sure the version of your Tiktok application is the latest version, which is 23.1.4.
  • Once confirmed, go to your profile page located at the top right of the screen.
  • After that, click the three-dot symbol at the top right and look for the privacy menu.
  • Then, click on the menu and select the profile view feature.
  • Wait a few moments until the feature icon is green. When it is green, it means the feature is active.
  • Later there will be a notification in the inbox regarding the active profile viewing feature.
2. An easy way to view profile views on Tiktok.

When the profile viewing feature is active, you just need to see who I am who has visited your profile in the following way:
  • First, open your profile in the Tiktok application whose version is 23.1.4.
  • After entering the profile page located at the bottom right of the screen, click the three -dot symbol at the top right.
  • Then click the privacy menu and select profile views.
  • It will show who visited your Tiktok profile in the last 30 days.
That's how easy it is to activate and view profile views in the Tiktok app. Good luck with it, good luck.

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