Apple Quietly Increases Apple Music Service Subscription Prices for Students
Apple has quietly changed the price subscription plans Apple Music for students .
However, Apple announced it via email to every Apple Music for Student subscriber.
When the MakeMac on the Indonesia website, the Apple Music subscription price for students had indeed changed.
Still from the news source page, this price change is only made in a few countries.
The list of countries includes Indonesia and a number of other countries.
These other countries include Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Israel and Kenya.
With the price increase given, the subscription price Apple Music for Student in Indonesia becomes IDR 35 thousand per month.
While the regular Apple Music subscription price for personal is IDR 49 thousand, then Apple Music for Family is IDR 75 thousand.
To be able to subscribe to Apple Music for Student, users must verify student on the UNiDAYS website.
Users are required to use a school or campus email account which is the main requirement for checking student status.
Meanwhile, the Apple Music for Student subscription package itself certainly has its advantages.
The main advantage of Apple Music for Student is the lower subscription price.
In addition, Apple Music for Student subscribers can also get free access to Apple TV+ services.
For a complete explanation of how to subscribe to Apple Music for Student, you can read it on the following page .