Avoid these 10 things to make online insurance claims run smoothly

There are still many people who think that the insurance claim process is convoluted and takes a long time. However, this assumption is not entirely true. Now, insurance claims online can even be done quickly and practically through gadgets. This system will help save your time, effort, and costs when you have to file an insurance claim.

insurance claim submission online will be accepted and processed quickly:

Insurance Policy Turns Out Unverified

All insurance policies have to go through a validity check process first. After passing the process, then the insurance is verified and recognized by the insurance company. This verification process is very important to ensure that your insurance claim can be processed at a later date. So that the risk of misunderstanding due to rejected claims can be minimized.

Conformity of Original Identity with Information on the Policy

Until now, many people failed to file an insurance claim because of the discrepancy between their real identity and the information on the policy. That is why you should check your identity carefully on the insurance policy. If you find erroneous data, you must immediately correct it. So that the discrepancy does not interfere with the claim process that you make in the future.

Committing a Legal Violation That Creates a Risk

The insurance company will indeed bear every risk in accordance with the provisions of the policy. However, the risk caused by violating the law will not be covered by insurance. Some examples of cases of violation of the law, among others:

    Attempted suicide or killing another person for the sum insured.
    The act of intentionally damaging the insured object.
    The vehicle covered by insurance is not driven by the insured party.
    Traffic accidents that occur on purpose.

The insurance company can identify the cause of the risk in an observant manner. So, don't give false information in order to get protection (for example in the form of sum assured).

Submitting an Insurance Claim Outside the Grace Period

Each type of insurance has a different grace period for filing insurance claims. For example, car insurance has an insurance claim grace period of 3×24 hours after an accident occurs. This should be your concern when you just have insurance. Do not let you fail to submit an insurance claim because the claim grace period has passed the limit determined by the insurance company.

Lack of Understanding the Causes of Risks Covered by Insurance

The insurance policy must contain clear information about the causes of the risks that are borne by the insurance. Unfortunately, there are still many people who are lazy to read the policy carefully so they don't understand the information. There are certain incidents for which the cause was not covered by insurance.

For example, there are some car insurances that do not cover riot damage. So, you must take the initiative to prevent these causes. So that you do not experience losses due to risks that are not borne by the insurance company.

Failure to Prepare Complete Documents when Submitting a Claim

insurance claim process online is fast and practical. However, you still have to prepare a number of complete documents as a claim requirement. Usually you are required to prepare documents in the form of KTP, KK, policy, driver's license, STNK, and NPWP in the form of scans or photos. So that the file can be uploaded easily to the website insurance application online .

You should also not forget to prepare a photo or video as valid evidence (for the case of a car accident). Because photo or video attachments are very useful to speed up the insurance claim process.

Forgot to Complete Other Documents

There are some insurances that require other complete documents as a claim requirement, for example car insurance. When your car is in an accident or other risk, you must attach documents in the form of a police certificate, BPKB, and original ignition key. So that the car repair process can be done immediately.

Likewise, life insurance requires a death certificate. The attachment to the letter is needed to manage the sum insured for the insured party whose name is listed on the policy.

The Coverage Area Is Not In Accordance With The Policy

insurance claims Online are also closely related to the coverage area, especially for car insurance products. Accidents, theft, or damage that occurs outside the coverage area is clearly not the responsibility of the insurance company. This important point is usually stated in the insurance policy. So you should read it carefully to avoid misunderstanding.

Feel free to ask Customer Service

insurance claim process online clearly if it's your first time doing it. You can anticipate this by asking the customer service . Usually websites insurance customer service that is ready to help you 24 hours. The claim process will be easier once you get clear directions from customer service .

Reluctant to Follow Up

insurance claim process online will be handled quickly. However, long claims queues may hamper your claim process somewhat. If you experience this, you should follow up with an insurance company.

Save the evidence for submitting an online so you can use it when you follow up . Thus, the claim you submit will be processed quickly so that the risk you experience is immediately borne by the insurance company.

Insurance claims are made easier when you understand the process flow clearly. The risk of an insurance claim being rejected can also be minimized. You can immediately get insurance benefits after paying the premium and following the provisions that apply to the policy. No more annoying difficulties if you already have quality insurance as needed. 

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