How to Overcome WhatsApp Web on a Laptop or PC Out Alone, It's Easy!


WhatsApp Web is an online WhatsApp message sharing service that is carried out through a website that is opened on a laptop or PC.

The owner of the WhatsApp account usually connects the mobile device with the laptop or PC using WhatsApp Web to make it easier to carry out activities.

However, a number of users often complain that WhatsApp Web on a laptop or PC can suddenly exit itself.

As a result, this condition is often difficult and actually slows down the activities that users want to do.

To solve this problem, Risdo wants to share how to solve WhatsApp Web on a laptop or PC out on its own.

You can do this easily and quickly without worrying about your WhatsApp Web account suddenly exiting by itself.

Curious? Read on in full below. 
As a result of the Web WhatsApp Security Features

Talking about WhatsApp Web on laptop or PC out on its own, actually this incident is a result of the WhatsApp Web .

The company has a feature called auto log out, where the WhatsApp Web account will automatically log out when it is not used for a certain period of time.

And with that, you need to do some settings on your WhatsApp Web account. 

Here how to solve WhatsApp Web on a laptop or PC out on its own:

1. Open the WhatsApp Web site at the address via a laptop or PC

2. Then when you want to enter your WhastApp account, pay attention to the "Keep Me Sign In" column under the QR Code
3. If the column is not still empty, you can click on it immediately until a check mark appears 

4. Scan the QR Code to connect and sync your WhatsApp account on your smartphone with WhatsApp on your laptop or PC.

5. Do a test first to see if the auto log out feature on your WhatsApp Web is no longer working thanks to the "Keep Me Signed In" column earlier.

If the test is successful, it can be ascertained that the WhatsApp Web account on the laptop or PC will not exit itself again.

So, it's really easy, Friend Risdosagalavsjilong to overcome it?

Hopefully this information can help those of you who want to stop WhatsApp Web problems on your laptop or PC coming out on their own. 

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