ML Redeem Code 22 May 2022, Weekend Special Get This Hero!
Try claiming the latest Mobile Legends (ML) redeem code below to get a legendary hero for free.
Mobile Legends has re-released the redeem code for its loyal players. Those who trade it the fastest can get legendary items for free.
Mobile Legends has re-released the redeem code for its loyal players. Those who trade it the fastest can get legendary items for free.
So, how do you claim it? First, you just have to go to the page.
After that, enter one of the available ML redeem codes in the Redemption Code box.
Then, write down the Mobile Legends game user ID and verification code in the box provided. Finally, click Redeem.
However, keep in mind that each code has a time limit and can only be claimed once. If you fail to make a claim, there are two possible causes.
It could be that you have redeemed the code or the redemption period has passed the specified deadline.
If the redemption code above is successful, the prize will be sent directly via in-game mail. If not, repeat the method above and then try to enter another redeem code until it works. Good luck!
Code redeem Mobile Legends May 22, 2022: