Kemenkominfo Prepares Cyber ​​Security Team for Elections

Kemenkominfo Siapkan Tim Keamanan Siber untuk Pemilu
Kemenkominfo Siapkan Tim Keamanan Siber untuk Pemilu

The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) provides support to the General Elections Commission (KPU) to maintain the digital space so that the 2024 general election (Pemilu) takes place properly and healthily. The support provided is in the form of information technology facilities, a cybersecurity team, and an antidote to negative content.

Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate said the Ministry of Communication and Information supports a healthy digital space. Not only during the holding of elections, all life in the digital space is also guarded at all times.

"Because of that, the Ministry of Communication and Information has equipped its equipment, added cyber drones, and has a cyber security that works 24 hours a day to carry out surveillance of the digital space and cyber attacks," said Johnny, after receiving KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari at the Kemenkominfo office. , Jakarta, quoted Thursday (7/7/2022). 

Through increasing the capacity of devices and technology, Johnny hopes that the Ministry of Communication and Information will be able to help track negative content with an alphabetical and numerical .

" Alphabetical as well as numerical , so we can read it, both letters and numbers. To protect the digital space from cyber attacks, there has been cross-ministerial and institutional coordination, or what we call the cyber response (CSIRT)," he added.
He explained that the cybersecurity rapid response team has the task of responding to all cyber attacks that lead to government applications. At the same time, Johnny also appealed to stop hacking because it was useless.

In particular, he also mentioned that the Ministry of Communication and Information regularly communicates with all digital platforms, both global and local. Digital platform operators are asked to continue to maintain security systems and equip them with good, strong encryption security technology, and prepare teams to respond quickly to incidents.

"We continue to build communication so that if there are violations in the digital space, we can respond quickly, either to stop them or block them," he said.

He also hoped that the form of cooperation would cover everything, including cooperation to learn from previous experiences and in the following elections. The goal is to prevent the emergence of lies that seem to be the truth ( post truth ).

Good Election

Not only that, the Minister of Communication and Informatics also asked all parties to maintain a good, safe and smooth election. This can be achieved with the hard work of the KPU, coordination across ministries/agencies (K/L), as well as the participation of various sectors and the public, including the media.
"General elections that make people happy and produce really great leaders, who will lead the people into a new era of Indonesia after 2024," he said.

The Minister of Communication and Information also reminded all parties to continue learning to improve the implementation of the 2024 General Election and to continue to maintain the digital space properly. 

Meanwhile, Chairman of the General Elections Commission Hasyim Asy'ari revealed that the audience with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics was aimed at coordinating and asking for support from the government related to elections in accordance with the ministries/agencies' tasks.

"The Ministry of Communication and Information has the scope of duties and authorities in the ICT sector (information and communication technology), so we ask for assistance so that the 2024 General Election can be carried out properly," he said.

According to him, currently, his party is trying to improve electoral services with the best information technology.

“We realized we couldn't work alone. I think that's the main purpose of our visit here (Kemenkominfo) in order to succeed in the elections, the 2024 Pilkada, by increasing the information technology-based KPU services," said Hasyim. 

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