4 Simple Tips to Prevent Infidelity in Dating, Not Just Need to Believe

Belakangan ini berita perselingkuhan figur publik sering banget bermunculan. Mulai dari Adam Levine, Reza Arap, suami presenter Ayu Dewi, Rizky Billar, dan lain-lain. Nah, ada beberapa tips buat kalian yang in relationship biar hubungan kalian jauh dari orang ketiga, seperti yang dilansir Psychology Today.
Tips Simpel buat Mencegah Perselingkuhan di Pacaran

Recently, news of infidelity among public figures has emerged. Starting from Adam Levine, Reza Arap, husband of presenter Ayu Dewi, Rizky Billar, and others. Well, there are some tips for those of you who are in a relationship so that your relationship is far from third people, as reported by Psychology Today .

How exclusive is your relationship?

It's good to equate perceptions of exclusivity with your partner before deciding to enter into a relationship. First make sure what your relationship is. The purpose of the relationship is for a long term relationship or just having fun . Make sure the rules start from flirting with the opposite sex, contacting your ex, eating together with friends of the opposite sex, being driven home together with the opposite sex, and so on. Looks cringe , but instead of causing future conflicts~ 

Talk about your weaknesses

It's important to understand each other's weaknesses. When the couple already knows each other's weaknesses, when there is a less-than-weary moment related to that weakness, the partner is not clueless and frustrated in this relationship. So we need to be aware of what makes us the most angry, sad, or actions that we cannot tolerate. 

Set standard

Think about what made your relationship immediately need to be terminated. Would you immediately cut ties if someone cheated on you? Don't respect family? Or what is the end of a relationship? This needs to be discussed at the outset as well.


Worst case your partner violates the standards you have set, what will you do? This also needs to be discussed so that the couple knows the worst consequences that can occur.

So, those are some tips to prevent infidelity. Relationships don't just need trust, but discussions to know each other's thoughts, okay~ 

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