How to Watch YouTube on Apple Watch with the WatchTube App, Easy!

Cara Menonton YouTube di Apple Watch dengan Aplikasi WatchTube, Gampang!

For some people, watching YouTube on Apple Watch will sound strange.

The reason is, the Apple Watch has a small screen and is not very comfortable to use for watching videos.

Even so, watching YouTube videos on Apple Watch still offers a unique experience compared to a smartphone or laptop. 

Users can watch YouTube videos on Apple Watch using third-party apps.

Reporting from 9to5mac, the WatchTube app allows users to watch YouTube videos via Apple Watch devices.

Users can watch YouTube videos through the WatchTube application without complicated settings.

All you have to do is download WatchTube and use it directly from the WatchOS App Store.

Once the app is installed on your Apple Watch, you can immediately open it to watch YouTube videos. 
The user interface (UI) is quite simple, not as complicated as the YouTube on iOS and macOS.

Users will be presented with 4 different sections in the app which include Home, Library, Search, and Settings.

Just like the official YouTube app, Home displays trending and personalized videos for users.

If the user allows, this application has the ability to select certain categories of videos to display on the Home. 

Dari segi fitur pencarian, pengguna dapat menggunakan fitur dictation and scribble untuk mencari video favorit.  Sama seperti YouTube, hasil pencarian WatchTube menyoroti hasil teratas untuk video dan channel.

In terms of search features, users can use the dictation and scribble features to search for their favorite videos.

Just like YouTube, WatchTube search results highlight the top results for videos and channels.

Through WatchTube, users can also save videos and press the subscribe button to their favorite channels.
Unfortunately, the WatchTube Library is only local, which means users can't link it to a user's YouTube account. 

For those of you who want to share videos to other devices, WathTube provides a QR Code that allows users to share and access certain videos on iPad, iPhone, etc.

WatchTube supports video subtitles (cc subtitle) to make it easier for users to understand foreign language videos.

Users can also change the size of the subtitle text as desired.

For users who don't have AirPods or a bluetooth headset, users can use Apple Watch audio to listen to YouTube videos.

WatchTube developers revealed that they will be adding an "Audio Only" mode that will allow users to listen to songs on YouTube without having to activate the Apple Watch screen. 

The WatchTube app is a free download on the App Store for Apple Watch running watchOS 6 or later.

 How about Risdosagalavsjilong friends, interested in trying to watch YouTube on Apple Watch?  Share your feedback in the comments column yes!

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