XL Axiata Targets SKKL Echo to Complete in 2023

Operator telekomunikasi XL Axiata menjalin kolaborasi dengan Meta dan Google untuk membangun proyek Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut (SKKL) Echo.

Telecommunication operator XL Axiata collaborated with Meta and Google to build the Echo Sea Cable Communication System (SKKL) project. The SKKL linking California, United States (US)-Indonesia-Singapore is targeted for completion in 2023.

“SKKL Echo was jointly built by Meta, Google, and XL Axiata. Construction of this project has started since 2021 and is planned to be completed in 2023," said I Gede Darmayusa, Director & Chief Technology Officer of XL Axiata, in Tanjung Pakis, Karawang, West Java, Wednesday (22/6/2022).
Currently, the SKKL Echo has arrived in Indonesia. The presence of the SKKL Echo was marked by the presence of the Golden Buoy which was towed ashore, to be precise in Tanjung Pakis.

The delivery of the Golden Buoy SKKL Echo in Tanjung Pakis also marks the start of the installation of the SKKL Echo in Indonesia for approximately 4,000 km, out of a total length of 15,000 km.
"Tanjung Pakis Beach was chosen as the landing point in Indonesia towards Singapore and California, United States of America (USA)," said Gede. 

Gede hopes that this project will be completed and will be able to start operating in the third quarter of 2023. According to Gede, his party is looking forward to the benefits of the SKKL Echo to improve the quality of internet services.

"The existence of this SKKL will at the same time add internet connections to the global network, and will further strengthen connections through SKKL-SKKL that XL Axiata already has," said Gede. 

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