Grab and OVO Present the First Public Drive-Thru in Solo

Grab dan OVO Hadirkan Layanan Publik Drive-Thru Pertama di Kota Solo 

Grab and OVO launched a public service for the ETP Government Regional Transaction ) for three payment services at once for the people of Surakarta (Solo), Central Java, namely Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Land Tax and Building (PBB), and Perumda for Drinking Water (PDAM).

Through this first facility in Indonesia, the payment of tax obligations and public service fees for the people of Solo City can be much more practical, saving only five minutes of time, without queuing up, and without parking the vehicle.

The service is presented in an effort to encourage economic growth through the electronification of payment infrastructure. Moreover, the results of OVO research throughout Indonesia show that the majority of people, as much as 73%, still make tax payments, both PKB, PBB, and PDAM by coming directly to the payment counter.

The Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, also welcomed and appreciated the Grab and OVO initiatives that always provide innovation for the community. Its presence will complement the existing services in public service malls.

“Here is another drive-thru . The point is to make it easier for citizens to carry out tax transactions and others, especially for online motor vehicle tax notices and paying PBB and PDAM. We will still discuss the addition of locations and services in the future," said Gibran, in a statement, Thursday (30/6/2022).
This innovation is considered to be in line with the city government's plan to continue to encourage increased regional revenues from the tax sector and to realize Surakarta as a smart city . This is also supported by the achievement of digitization in various economic activities and transactions in Surakarta City, which is among the highest in Indonesia.

In addition, Grab OVO Drive-Thru ETP is expected to provide convenience and speed in completing PKB, PBB, and PDAM tax payments for all Surakarta residents. One of them is service to athletes who are busy practicing to compete in the 2022 Asean Para Games in Solo.

President of Grab Indonesia Ridzki Kramadibrata explained the importance of synergizing various parties to support efforts to digitize processes and supporting regional economic infrastructure in order to encourage the acceleration of sustainable economic recovery, especially after being hit by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Grab and OVO are committed to encouraging the acceleration and expansion of regional digitalization through three major elements, including market digitization to make it easier for traders to run their businesses and ETP to increase local revenue (PAD)," said Ridzki.

Meanwhile, OVO President Director Karaniya Dharmasaputra said, OVO always supports the government's efforts in building an integrated digital ecosystem that can provide benefits to the community.
This includes making it easier for people to pay taxes, one of which is paying PBB through the OVO application. This OVO service can be enjoyed in 144 cities/districts in Indonesia. PDAM customers throughout the country can also pay their bills through the OVO and Grab applications.

"People can pay PBB, PKB, and PDAM bills in just five minutes through this Drive-Thru ETP , without queuing and without parking," Karaniya said. 

Make it easy

Meanwhile, proof of physical transfer can also be obtained easily, including by printing the STNK directly on the spot. In addition, there are attractive offers in the form of cashback for OVO users during the period 28 June to 28 July 2022.

The Grab OVO Drive-Thru ETP in Solo is a continuation of the Government's Online Transaction Acceleration Program (PATRIOT) collaboration which was launched at the end of 2021.

The two programs are presented as part of support for the Regional Digitization Acceleration and Expansion Team (TP2DD) which was launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia and accelerated integrated ecosystem digital transactions. 

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